An folgenden Tagen haben wir geöffnet:
Über uns
professionally simple
Über Uns
highQu assists life science by fueling it with research tools of premium quality.
Our dedication to the molecular biology field has enabled us to deliver outstanding reagents to the life science market.
In our commitment to science, we combine excellence with simplicity in order to provide the solutions that scientists constantly seek.
We support researchers whose professionalism makes science come alive.
highQu honors people who have a higher respect for humanity itself than for anything invented by humans.
We are devoted to deliver intelligent products and services that render a better life for all.
This is our interpretation of life science: we are people, we serve life.
Professionally simple.
- We offer premium tools for researchers
- We keep our word
- We contribute to your success
Your highQu team
Schwerpunkte und Leistungen
Weitere Firmeninfos
- Unternehmensdetails:
- GesellschaftsformGmbH