Bev Blooms

Blumenläden und Gartencenter

öffnet heute um 09:00
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An folgenden Tagen haben wir geöffnet:

  • Montag -
  • Dienstag- heute -
  • Mittwoch -
  • Donnerstag -
  • Freitag -

I manage contract floral accounts, therefore I am available by appointment only. You can call me directly or contact me through my website. I am available from 9am to 5pm Monday - Friday. I look forward to hearing from you.

Über uns

With over seven years experience working with florals, in Germany as well as America, I have honed in on my craft and style of floral design. I take an artful approach when designing. I focus mainly on asymmetrical arrangements, large installations, and floral stylings for product merchandising and lifestyle photoshoots. I do not use any types of floral foam and I try to remain as sustainable as possible.

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