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Containerchain Germany provides a single platform for optimising the movement of containers from port to door and back again.


Über uns

Containerchain Germany provides a single platform for optimising the movement of containers from port to door and back again. Containerchain offers a single platform that optimizes the transport of containers from port to customer and back. Containerchain's solution connects a community of freight owners, shipping companies, terminals, hauliers, warehouses and container depots, providing paperless live tracking, information exchange and communication, process automation and re-engineering, facility and asset optimization, and complete container movement and operational planning transparency , All this in addition to ensuring predictable and operational synchronization across the supply chain.

Weitere Firmeninfos

  • Unternehmensdetails:
    • EigentümerAdmin
    • Gründungsjahr2014
    • Mitarbeiter10-19
    • Kooperationencontainer depot

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