Elektro und Elektronik Handel und Reparatur, Werkzeugmaschinen Handel, Metallverarbeitung, Metalle und Metallhalbzeuge, Maschinenteile Hersteller

noch 7 Std. 50 Min.
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Über uns

We are specialized in supplying Innovative advanced Materials with light weight and high strength, specializing in the distribution of cutting-edge metallic foam materials with a strong emphasis on scandium-based products. This includes scandium and its derivatives, such as the aluminum-scandium master alloy. Additionally, we offer a range of high-performance aluminum alloys, with Justitan™ standing out as the premier choice. We are particularly committed to establishing industry standards in the rail transit, automotive, and aerospace sectors, where we set benchmarks, adopt best practices, and actively contribute to the industry's evolution. Our main products include Porous metal foam, such as nickel foam, copper foam, iron foam, and iron-nickel foam, Conductive shielding materials, including conductive foam, conductive fabric, and conductive fabric tape, Range hood grease filters and Metal foam foundry filters.

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