Rehfuss Drive Solutions GmbH

Engineering und Verfahrenstechnik

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Rehfuss delivering the top-notch custom-designed drive solutions worldwide for almost all industrial sectors with a wide range of functional products.


Über uns

Rehfuss is a leading component partner for drive technology since 1951 and offering excellent custom-designed drive solutions and functional products worldwide for almost all industrial sectors according to customer requirements. Flat hierarchies and a customer-orientated structure make our company extremely flexible. We are leading manufacturer and supplier of industrial machinery and machine tools.

Products we are Supply-

- Special
- Constant
- Variable
- Cleanness
- Services

Industry Sector We Serve-

Application technology, Construction machinery, Chemical industry, Business machines, Printing machinery, Conveyor and lifting technologies, Beverage industry, Wood processing industry, Air conditioning, Crane technology, Installation, Storage technology, Agricultural machinery, Food technology, Marine technology, Medical technology, Paper industry, Pharmaceutical industry, Plant manufacturing for the automobile industry, Rehabilitation technology, Power engineering, Robotics, Textile engineering, Doors and gates engineering, Environment engineering, Traffic engineering, Packing machines, Wash systems, Laundry machinery, Machine tools

So, if you are looking for industrial machinery or machine tools than simply contact us and discuss your requirements. We are also capable to develop custom-designed products as per your specific needs and requirements.


Schwerpunkte und Leistungen

Lieferung möglich
drive solutions
industrial equipment
machine tools
Wir sind für Sie da

Weitere Firmeninfos

  • Unternehmensdetails:
    • GesellschaftsformGmbH
    • EigentümerCarl Rehfuss
    • GeschäftsführerCarl Rehfuss
    • Gründungsjahr1951
    • Mitarbeiter100-999

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