Auditory training - Sensoton


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With online auditory training: you get used to your hearing aids more efficiently, so you can improve your speech comprehension


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Über uns

With the online auditory training from Sensoton® you can perform a variety of listening exercises to acclimate to your new hearing instruments and train your auditory skills.

When hearing impaired people wear hearing aids for the first time they often describe the sound as too shrill or too loud: "My hearing aid sounds tinny".

This phenomenon can be attributed to the hearing acclimatization process.

​The auditory brain works differently than the visual brain's center.

A person gets glasses and can see immediately great.

​The auditory system of a hearing-impaired person can be compare with a muscle. If it's not being trained, voices and sounds have not been heard properly for many years, it will result in a reduction of the hearing performance. The auditory system shrinks.

​​With a hearing aid all sounds are audible from one day to the other.
The auditory system is overstrained, because it is not used to it.

The hearing aid user experiences the sounds as strange. The statement is, that they hear something but don't understand it.

With the special designed auditory training from Sensoton your auditory system will be rebuilt step by step.
With the auditory training you will be able to optimize the use of your hearing aids and gain back the joy of hearing.
The training has numerous listening exercises which allows you to perform online interactive hearing exercises in front of your computer or laptop.

Schwerpunkte und Leistungen


Weitere Firmeninfos

  • keine Parkmöglichkeit vorhanden
  • Zahlungsarten
    • Visa
    • Mastercard
    • GesellschaftsformEinzelunternehmen
    • EigentümerJulian Schoeneich
    • GeschäftsführerJulian Schoeneich
    • Gründungsjahr2017
    • Mitarbeiter1-4

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