Filderklinik gGmbH Anthroposophische Medizin

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Bewertungen für Filderklinik gGmbH Anthroposophische Medizin

Ich war zur Geburt meiner Tochter diese Woche in der Filderklinik, zuerst war ich zwei mal zum CTG s...Mehr bei 11880
Today, 4 Feb 2024, I took my kid to the clinic at 2pm. The nurse at the emergency clinic told me there is a 2 hour waiting time, I should go to esslingen, the waiting time there is shorter. I said that's one hour drive return, maybe not faster, she smiled and said "it will be faster than here". I asked if there is a open pharmacy in the hospital, she said yes with full confidence. SHE IS A TOTAL LIER! There is no pharmacy in esslingen hospital, the waiting time is 3 hours there. As a health professional she just wants to push patients away, from the beginning she didn't even take our insurance card, she just simply wanted us to leave. IT IS NOT OK for a health professional to lie with 100% confidence and a smile to people who need help. She should not work in a hospital, she is totally untrustworthy! BE CAREFUL WITH THIS CLINIC!Mehr bei golocal
Bewertung auf von Jin2004 am So. 04.02.2024

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