BDS Maschinen GmbH

Industriebedarf und Industrieservice, Metallbearbeitungswerkzeuge

noch 9 Std. 10 Min.
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Über uns

BDS Maschinen GmbH is a manufacturer of made in Germany premium class Magnetic Drilling Machines, Annular Cutters and Plate Beveling Machines. BDS being the worlds' leading manufacturer has in its product range more than 21 types of magnetic drill press dedicated to core drilling, twist drilling, tapping, reaming and countersink. BDS also manufacturers special drilling machines such as cordless magnetic drilling machines, two types of rail drilling machines, pneumatic drilling machines, compact drilling machines, automatic drilling machines, cross table base drilling machines, etc. BDS also excels in manufacturing annular cutters with Europes' biggest manufacturing facility for producing premium quality annular cutters also called as core drills. Within a short period of time BDS has also gained popularity worldwide for its automatic plate beveling machine which one its kind the best plate beveled available. Along with the automatic beveling machine, BDS also has in its product range manual feed plate beveling machine, deburring and chamfering machines. Simply Better Drilling.

Schwerpunkte und Leistungen

annular cutters
beveling machines
magnetic drilling machines
magnetic drill machines
plate beveling machines

Weitere Firmeninfos

  • Zahlungsarten
    • Visa payWave
    • Mastercard
    • Mastercard PayPass
    • Diners Club
    • American Express
    • EC-Card
    • Electronic Cash
    • Geldkarte
    • Apple Pay
    • GesellschaftsformGmbH
    • Mitarbeiter100-999

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