Avantgarde Labs

Softwarehäuser und IT-Dienstleister

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Avantgarde Labs is a full-stack software development company from Germany with 50+ inhouse developers, architects, devops and project managers. We build digital


Über uns

Our key services contain application development, software development services, integration services, data management and data analytics.

We stand for:

  • Full service throughout the whole project lifecycle, covering project management, product design, development, quality assurance and support services.
  • High-quality, scalable and secure solutions with fast time-to-market.
  • Multidisciplinay experts & development teams.
  • Vendor independent software development with a broad technology stack.
  • Transparent and dependable relations to our customers and colleagues.


Based on your specific needs, we support you in end-to-end product development or seamlessly extend your in-house development teams with our experts.

Our clients recognize us as a one-stop custom software development company. The average time of collaboration with our main customers is 6+ years. Our average labor turnover rate is far below industry standard.

For more information regarding our service portfolio and considerable tech stack, please visit https://avantgarde-labs.com

Schwerpunkte und Leistungen

Individuelle Softwareentwicklung
Java Entwicklung

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