Iconic Management GmbH & Co. KG

Model-Agenturen, Internetdienstleister, Marketing und Onlinemarketing, Werbeagenturen und Public Relations

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Über uns

ICONIC stands for a full scale effort to match customers with projects and campaigns that are deemed best suited to particular talent, image building considerations and professional objectives.The agency elevates the importance of individuality to create an enduring path to success and empowers mass market appealing faces with strong personalities like Lily Aldridge, Liya Kebede, Elsa Hosk, Kelly Rohrbach etc. to build their own authentic brands. Standing as a consistent and skilled talent manager Iconic Management has the ability to focus on the top tier of talent worldwide by managing each career to the highest level of editorial and commercial image.For over two decades Iconic Management director Ingo Nolden has been one oft he most recognized and respected model managers in the industry and proved outstanding management skills while working for top model agencies like Viva Model Management Paris and IMG Models New York.

Schwerpunkte und Leistungen

Influencer Management
Model management

Weitere Firmeninfos

  • Marken
    • Burberry
    • Elle
    • Escada
    • H&M
    • Hugo Boss
    • Loreal
    • Mango
    • Prada
    • Schwarzkopf
    • Triumph
  • Sprachen
    • Deutsch
    • Englisch
    • Estnisch
    • Französisch
    • Russisch
    • Türkisch

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