Forschungsdock CRO

Pharma Unternehmen

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Über uns

The Forschungsdock CRO GmbH company is a contract research organization (CRO) based close to the city of Hamburg. Our aim is to stand by your side as a strong and dependable partner. We plan clinical studies, do all the necessary preparatory work, and support you – pharmaceutical and biotech companies, manufacturers of medical devices, CROs, and also clinics and physicians (in the context of investigator-sponsored trials, ISTs) – in their implementation. We operate according to a trust-inspiring motto: clarity and the human touch in communication – both among ourselves and in our interactions with you. We’re convinced that this trustful basis is the essential precondition for successful cooperation.
The Forschungsdock CRO GmbH company is a contract research organization (CRO) based close to the...

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