cabrio-direct, is the leading manufacturer in Germany of fine
convertible tops replacements since 1986.
Cabrio-direct offers a complete line of tailor-made, ready-to-install headliners, 158 convertible tops, top boots, top parts, and other auto interior accessories. We offer replacements of original factory design products and colors, or will customize them to your own color combinations.
So, should you want to update the look of your convertible tops, add or create a unique interior product, cabrio-direct can make a complete color change.
Whether you're involved in a classic European convertible car restoration or in restoring a newer vintage Mercedes Benz, we have the products and services.
What Makes Our Products Special? We stock large quantities of excellent quality raw materials to choose from, expertly manufactured with "Hands-On" professional experience in our German facility using the best European incomparable canvas materials available. In doing so, we can monitor the quality and performance of our entire line of products, thus ensuring consistent quality in our product and most importantly, your complete satisfaction.
Our manufacturing process ensures the long life and aesthetic beauty of convertible tops that you want. We guarantee the highest level of quality in all of our work at all times. Your total satisfaction is our 1 goal!
Porsche Boxster Bj. 97 - 02 mit Glasscheibe
-----Glas – Scheibe Preis : 825,00 inkl. MWST
-----Material : Originalmatertial Sonnenland A5 ( kein Klassik )
-------------------(farbe schwarz ist in Sonnenland akustik lieferbar.
------------------- dieses Material ist Originalmaterial ab Bj. 2009
--------------------bei Porsche)
-----Farben : schwarz / blau / Aufpreis : indigo, graffitigau 25,00
----Glas – Scheibe Preis : 620,00 inkl. MWST
----Material : Twillfast II
----Farben : schwarz / blau / Aufpreis : indigo, graffitigau 25,00
----Mit Elektroanschluß. Keine Umbauarbeiten am Gestänge nötig.
----Originalverdeck“ - Version Boxster ab 03 „
----Preis : 1.142 inkl. MWST
----Material : Originalmatertial
----Farben : schwarz / blau / Aufpreis : indigo graffitigau 25,00
----Einbau : BRD bundesweit in entsprechender Fachwerkstatt / ----Autosattlerei
--------158 Verdeck - Modelle lieferbar------
--------cabrio-direct / m.h.
--------Sattlereilieferant seit 1986
Schwerpunkte und Leistungen
Weitere Firmeninfos
- Unternehmensdetails:
- Gründungsjahr1986