07331 986626
Bewertung für Lotter Thomas-Michael Versicherungen
Myriem Ouch
Hello Mr. Thief.. how dare you claim insurance then you stole my work that I have for your company planet claire....he stole my stand and of course.. I worked with 7 years of work tried to do the best for him and ultimately the money from my hard work..he doesn't give it supposedly because his company was in difficulty and I learn that sir is leaving And I learn that he takes trips to Croatia to luxury villas and I pay for them.
..everything I write is verified by 'lhissi lawyers Everything I write they have several lawyers and bailiffs and of course taxes He stole from his own family,,, normally he does stads at fairs, yes he sells poop brushes but he burns in France and in England he does not have the right to work there because he himself has p Legal authorization and he goes anyway and therefore he does not pay English taxes and even less German taxes,,,he cheats constantly and steals, liar,,,in any case France and England we want And if that's the case, we'll take it straight to the fair.Mehr bei golocal
Bewertung auf golocal.de von Myriem Ouch am Fr. 30.08.2024Weitere Bewertungen unserer Partner
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Info: Bei diesem Eintrag handelt es sich nicht um ein Angebot von Lotter Thomas-Michael Versicherungen, sondern um von goyellow.de bereitgestellte Informationen.