GF Machining Solutions GmbH

Werkzeugmaschinen Handel

noch 3 Std. 5 Min.
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Über uns

The German sales company of GF Machining Solutions, the world's leading provider of machines, diverse technical solutions and services to manufacturers of precision molds and tooling and of tight-tolerance, precision-machined components. The extensive portfolio ranges from Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) solutions, three- and five-axis Milling machines and Spindles, 3D Laser texturing machines, Additive Manufacturing and machines for Laser micromachining to solutions for Tooling, Automation, Software and Digitalization-all backed by unrivaled Customer Services and support. The Center of Competence in Schorndorf is staffed by expert application engineers and offers solutions to the application demands of various market segments such as the aerospace, automotive, medical, energy, information and communications technology (ICT and electronics industries.

Schwerpunkte und Leistungen

We train apprentices

Weitere Firmeninfos

  • Sprachen
    • English
    • German

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